I went to work that early evening and finished 1 shoe. I decided to take a break and get my other 2 kids to bed. I went into their bedroom to get pajamas on, sat down on Brayden's bed, and my water broke. It didn't gush, but it trickled steadily. At first I wasn't sure it was my water, so I didn't tell hubby. It sounds silly, but I didn't want to be wrong. I kept going to the bathroom to make sure I just couldn't control my bladder. After the kids were in their pajamas, it became apparent to me that my water did break.
Earlier that day, I decided to pack the baby's bag for the hospital. I still hadn't packed mine, even though hubby told me to again and again for the last 2 weeks. It was on my to do list the following day. I called Stacie, told her what's up, packed me and the kids, and off to the hospital we went.
We got there around 10 pm, and Ridge was born at 12:46 am on April 19th. He was 7 lbs 8 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He surprised us with light colored hair (our other 2 being born with really long, dark hair).
The kids just adore him! Every morning they wake up and run to give him kisses and are very willing to help when they can. After we brought him home Brayden said, "I think he wants to watch Megamind. He's never seen that movie".
The other day he was in his bouncer and started fussing. I went over to him and Brayden was there. He told me, "Don't worry mom. I'm watching out for him". It may be too soon to tell, but I hope he always watches out for him and that they have a great brother relationship!

Cousins Riley and Nicholas are just as excited about baby Ridge too! Riley asks to hold him all the time, and wants to know when he can go to his house to play!

They are very conscious of him and his needs and have been very patient when I can't help them "right now" because I'm feeding Ridge. We are so excited to welcome Ridge into our family!